I spy with my little eye... a glamping Week-End.

I was never a big fan of camping. I have no problem with getting closer to Mother Nature, but I believe it should be done in style and I have no idea how to build a tent. I can cook, I can entertain, I can support the drivers, but building a tent is out of my skill set. So when my good friend J. offered to organise a camping week-end, I answered with a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of sarcasm. It went like that: "Let's do it, but just so you know, I'll be looking pretty but that's probably it.". I deeply believe that one should be aware of his own limits for 2 reasons: 1- work on them, 2- I hate false advertising. Knowing I would be useless camping wise, I compensated with home made cooking. For an army. And so we went. 5 cars, 12 people, 5 nationalities, and a lot of energy. It was a memorable week-end: getting stuck in the sand, digging, singing around the fire, hiding in the tents, waking up with the prayer, the best part was undoubtedly sunset on top of a dune. Priceless. Thanks to my amazing brazilian guide friend, I even manage to keep the tent up all night. So now that I know how to build the tent (little wink to M. and C. who lent the said tent and definitively know how to camp in style: thank you! now working on my folding skills), I am more than happy to go again!

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