I spy with my little eye... a long week-end in Dubai.

Most of us in Dubai are getting a few days off this week-end to celebrate UAE's national day, it's the perfect timing to escape the city. Some will fly away, some will drive away, some will just sleep away (fair enough)... I decided to give you a little inspiration with my last camping week-end. Now don't get me wrong, I am not huge on camping: I could never function as a girl scout, I get claustrophobic in a sleeping bag, and I like my latte in the morning. If I go to the countryside, I usually make sure there's a cottage, an oven and a bed waiting for me, but, when in Dubai, do as the expats do. And I firmly believe in challenging yourself, and trying everything. So I went. I decided to keep the destination a surprise and just jumped in with friends. I was completely useless for navigation but apparently useful entertainment. 
... And when we stopped the car after 2h of driving, somewhere between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, I knew I had made the right choice. The pictures speaks for themselves. Happy week-end pitchouns!

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