"The Christmas Song" by Mel Torme and Judy Garland - 1963
And because we are getting into a period of intense celebration, here are a few Tips for our Gentlemen.
Source here.
Source here.
Bow Ties and Cuff Links
A good Friend of mine said something I never thought of a few days ago. We were talking of the Christmas Holidays, she looked at me and said "You know what? Dubai is like College: everybody goes home for Christmas!".
French students don't really have the same kind of diaspora on Christmas holidays because the country is way smaller than the USA, but because of my expat years, I can easily relate to that. So today it is my turn to fly. Not back, but forward.
You heard me Ladies and Gentlemen: I am not going back to France, I am going to Australia. It's a first for me! French Lady on her way to Sydney!
Source here.
Chic in Dubai
In New York City... Love the Idea!
Christmas tree of ties at the Brooks Brothers boutique at 346 Madison Avenue…
Source here.
Christmas tree of ties at the Brooks Brothers boutique at 346 Madison Avenue…
Source here.
Bow Ties and Cuff Links
A nice space to wander and day dream during Christmas Holidays: the Fashion Illustration Gallery in London.
They were recently showing an Illustration from Richard Haines that really really looked like someone I know, he will recognize himself. I love the Beard, love the Bow, love the Outfit... love the Painting.
Richard Haines
September 2011
Pencil and acrylic paint on printed matter 30 x 23 cm
In an other Style:
Mats Gustafson
Yohji Yamamoto Red for German Vogue
Water colour on paper, 38 x 28 cm
FIG at The Mayor Gallery
22A Cork Street
Tel: +44 (0)20 7112 1979
It's that time of the year... Wish list!
Once you've tried a Projector, it is reaaaally hard to go back and as I never really had a tv, a Projector to go with my Computer would be ideal.
A Polaroid. Never goes out of Fashion.
Dear dear Charles Anastase... two years have passed and you are still on my mind.
I need a new Recipe Notebook.

You know you live in the desert when you actually need sunglasses...
Vintage Fashion Photographs... I love these little treasures.
Flights. You can never fly too much!
What about you, what do you want for Christmas?
Once you've tried a Projector, it is reaaaally hard to go back and as I never really had a tv, a Projector to go with my Computer would be ideal.
A Polaroid. Never goes out of Fashion.
Dear dear Charles Anastase... two years have passed and you are still on my mind.
I need a new Recipe Notebook.

You know you live in the desert when you actually need sunglasses...
Vintage Fashion Photographs... I love these little treasures.
Flights. You can never fly too much!
What about you, what do you want for Christmas?
Chic in Dubai,
Honey I'm Home
One of my favorite places to spend Christmas is Alsace, in the East of France, next to the German Border. It is Heaven for Children: the towns are illuminated, there are genuine Christmas Markets everywhere, the streets smell like toffee, it is incredible. I can't remember the name of that little town, but somewhere in the countryside there is a village where each house represents a day before Christmas, the whole village plays the Advent Calendar and every night in December you have one more House that lightens up. People really get into Christmas Spirit.
The easiest to discover the Region is, of course, to go to Strasbourg, so here are a few Pictures to share the Spirit:
Classy in Paris,
Honey I'm Home
Sunday Sound
"Rudoplh the red-nosed Reindeer" by Ella fitzgerald and Bing Crosby
Sunday Sounds
A little indulgence from Jones the Grocer : organic Mango and Organge Juice and that Genius Chocolate Lollipop that is, in fact, a Chocolate Spoon to make hot Cocoa.
Al Manara Sheikh Zayad Road (opposite Time Square Centre)
Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 346 6886
Chic in Dubai,
Kiss the Cook
I definitively have a thing for Penguin Books Mugs.
As a kid I would always read 2 or 3 books as the same time. Depending on my mood, I would pick one or the other. I was not a fast reader but I was steady and really enjoyed it. This is probably one of the reasons why I love the idea of taking my Breakfast with Litterature Classics.
Honey I'm Home,
Kiss the Cook
Christmas Parties Season is officially open! Which means wrapping presents and baking!
It is not always easy to find something to offer when you are invited here in Dubai: you can't find flowers everywhere, don't always have a bottle of wine, After Eights and Ferrero Rocher are fun from time to time but I love the idea of something Home Made.
So lately I have been baking and wrapping Christmas Biscuits!
Kiss the Cook
I went to Gaucho's opening night!
The place is one of a kind: a mix of cow fur and very modern design. But surprisingly, it works.
I wouldn't go there for a date for for a girlie evening, it is a good option.
I found the place a little bit too crowded, I didn't understand the difference between the black and the red waitresses, this is still an enigma for me. Must be my parisian self longing for simpicity. My guess is that the red waitresses were just there to look pretty, which I, maybe because I am a lady, found unneccessary. The service was messy (probably because it was the opening night) but in a good way: we were asked 5 times if someone had taken our order when it already had been taken care of. And the most important: the meat and the wines were delicious. The sides were quite random but if you feel like a good steack with some nice south america wine with your Ladies, this is the place.
Podium Level, Gate Village 05
DIFC, Dubai, P.O Box 482054
T +971 (0) 44227898
F +971 (0) 44227897
DIFC, Dubai, P.O Box 482054
T +971 (0) 44227898
F +971 (0) 44227897
Chic in Dubai
So I told you I was flat hunting... An other adventure in Dubai!
I got a little bit lost between all the agents calling me, couldn't really remember who was who, but there is one I will definitively not forget. I was desperately trying to visit a flat in the Greens and I had 2 agencies trying to get me a visit, basically in competition to get the deal. So you can easily imagine my surprise when I receive the following message from one of them:
"I am sorry, in addition to not having my car tonight, I have church obligations so I can't make it tonight."
Only in Dubai!
Chic in Dubai
An other thing that happened lately was Thanksgiving! I got to celebrate my very first Thanksgiving! Well... it's a funny Story because somehow, I ended up hosting my First Thanksgiving as a matter of fact. It wasn't planned at all but little Miss K. who grew up in New York found herself alone and far away from her family for the first time. She was feeling home sick so I decided to have dinner with her and improvise a little celebration. But I wasn't expecting our close Friends to drop their parties and join in! One of the many things I am grateful for: my friends, wherever they are, Paris, London, Dubai... I am a lucky Lady.
I finally found myself being the last one to arrive at my home, everybody was already cooking: the chickens (last minute organisation, no turkey) were in the oven, the wine in the glasses, and the tart, ready to be cooked! All in all, an amazing evening for our little expat family!
Apple and Cinnamon Tart, with a side of Hugs and Kisses.
Kiss the Cook
While I was running up and down the streets of Dubai, something happened: December arrived!
And with December came Christmas spirit, which means that in my Vintage Flat, russian posters gets to be lit up!
Honey I'm Home
Ladies and Gentlemen, my sincere apologies for not being very even lately. My life has been a little bit unsorted these days: flat hunting, playing Santa, not sleeping, baking, meeting weird models, not sleeping, National Day, Gaucho, not sleeping, La Petite Maison, shooting, not sleeping... Kind of a mess, yes. And I missed the blog, so here I am, back with pictures and stories.
And to begin with, pictures of the Shooting I did with the lovely Joanne Tolner. Black tutu, vintage Hat, red Lips, Louboutin, and a great Photographer, that's the secret to an afternoon of great Fun!
Have a look at her Portofolio here.
Somewhere on an other part of Earth, Winter began.
I hate being cold, but I love Snow! There is something so pure about it. I have had a few white Winters in Paris and a few slides : going to work, in a Fashion House, in Heels, while it is snowing all over the City... quite a Challenge! I had so much fun sharing with my co-workers: when I ended up on my back, one of them went for the Splits... This is how Parisians girls stay real!
Source here.
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